48° 17' 24.3724595" N
18° 32' 36.6590309" E
Továrenská 210
935 28 Tlmače
Company incorporated in Trade register of District Court Nitra, Section: Sa, insert No: 39/N
Identification No. 314 116 90
Tax identification No. SK202 040 3869
Legal Entitity Identifier (LEI) 315700OF7K1VO6FF3F02
Phone: +421 36 638 1111
Fax: +421 36 634 1941
E-mail: info@ses.sk
+421 36 638 2001
+421 36 638 2031
+421 36 638 2201
+421 36 638 2201
+421 36 638 2004
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